During a police chase, two California Highway Patrol patrol cars crashed, resulting in one civilian being sent to the hospital and causing damage to a nearby home.

 On Saturday, two California Highway Patrol (CHP) patrol cars were involved in a collision while pursuing a speeding motorcycle. 

The chase began on the westbound side of the 10 Freeway at approximately 4:40 p.m. and ended around 12 minutes later at the intersection of Hacienda Boulevard and Ector Street. 

The crash involved the two CHP patrol cars and a civilian vehicle, which collided with a fire hydrant. The CHP vehicles crashed into a concrete fence surrounding a private home, causing damage to the property. 

A resident of the home, Nestor Rendon, heard the crash and rushed outside to find the patrol cars on his family's front yard. The civilian driver was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. 

The motorcyclist was caught on foot nearby, and the motorcycle was found to be registered out-of-state but not stolen. 

The Rendon family is grateful that the concrete fence prevented the patrol cars from crashing into their house.

During a police chase, two California Highway Patrol patrol cars crashed, resulting in one civilian being sent to the hospital and causing damage to a nearby home. During a police chase, two California Highway Patrol patrol cars crashed, resulting in one civilian being sent to the hospital and causing damage to a nearby home. Reviewed by Der Arzt on 12:27 PM Rating: 5

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